11 August 2008


I'm entering a stitch marker contest on Ravelry - I would love to have those little caterpillar and worm markers!

Hmmmmm, what did I think the first time I saw mkvral 's ravatar (which I now know is a caterpillar with a butterfly). Honestly, the first couple of times I saw it it creeped me out - OMG, I just looked at it again and realized it's an eye with a butterfly next to it, not a caterpillar!! I'm sitting here speechless - I can't believe I missed that for months...

OK, back to what I thought when I thought it was a caterpillar and not an eye. I thought of that weird guy from "Silence of the Lambs" - the one that was killing women and then skinning them. He had a ritual where he put a cocoon in their mouths or something to that effect. And the poster advertising the movie had Jodie Foster with a butterfly over her mouth. So, unfortunately it reminded me of that which further creeped me out.

Anyways, while I was originally rather disturbed by the ravatar I'm used to it now and I know mkvral is a very nice Raveler so I actually kind of like it.


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry I creeped you out in the beginning!!! (well, not ME but my Silence of the Lambs Ravatar!!) It never even crossed my mind about that Movie when I picked it.

I'm glad you entered the contest. I'm having so much fun reading everyone's thoughts and stories. See you on Rav!!!

Myownigloo said...

OK, now I'm creeped out.