21 February 2008


Hello - I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I was just deep in the knitting doldrums. I was feeling extreme pressure to finish the IOU Christmas gifts but just not feeling like doing it which made it all the worse. I solved the problem by 1) taking a Fair Isle hat w/ ear flaps class to try and jump start myself and 2) sending my sister-in-law a check for her gift instead of continuing to stress over the 1/2 finished sweater. However, I have committed myself to finishing it in plenty of time for NEXT Christmas! How many days do I have until 12/25/08??

The Fair Isle class was fun and I feel like I can take on another Fair Isle project with the experience I gleaned from the class. In fact I made TWO of the hats - one with ear flaps for my hubby and one without for me. And I think I have enough yarn to finish a third hat - by changing the colors around it feels like a new project each time and it really doesn't take much time at all. I'll get pix posted later today.

I also FINALLY organized my yarn stash this weekend. It wasn't quite as bad as I thought and fit in three large plastic bins and three XL ziploc heavy duty bags (the ones that look like giant shopping bags). I also found some yarn in my old knitting basket that I used as a kid . It must have been over 25 years old. It was kind of sweet to look at it and remember how little I knew back then (this was all acrylic yarn - ick) and also to remember some of the stuff I used it for. After reminising I packed it up and posted it on Freecycle for someone else to get some use from! In fact she is coming to pick it up today - yay!

So after organizing my stash and realizing it wasn't as bad as I thought I felt justified in ordering more yarn for the "3timeschic" sweater on Knitty.com. Lamb's Pride Bulky was on sale at Discontinued Brand Name Yarn http://www.discontinuedbrandnameyarn.com/. Actually, I was suckered in by the freebie gift bags they were including with all orders. I'm looking forward to jumping in on this one as soon as I receive my new yarn.

Of course I'm ignoring the two sweaters I started for myself pre-Christmas... they are in my WIP basket looking sad in their partially finished state. I'm well aware that if I wait too long I won't be able to remember what I was doing and I'll have to frog the whole thing. There must be a name for this psychological phenomenon, or maybe we should create one for it, what do you think?

1 comment:

Deanna said...

I'm glad to hear that your sister is fine with waiting on her sweater...that's gotta be a HUGE relief!

My stash is organized in plastic bins, but it's also pretty small and continually dwindling. I haven't bought new yarn since well before Christmas. I also have a trash bag full of thrift store sweaters to reclaim...but until I get through the bulk of my store-bought stash, I'm not touching it.

That website you posted is DANGEROUS! I shouldn't know about it, haha.

Hmmmm, aside from Hibernating, I'm not sure if there is a term for abandoned projects...we should think of one and take full credit for it.