First, though, this may very well be the most important thing you read about yarn substitutions in your life. I was asking on Livejournal (which has a lot of knitting groups and is a really good resource for pesky questions and tips) about sweater patterns for a particular 10-year-old girl, and someone posted this. Super helpful, and I'm never going to skip a gauge swatch ever again. (So she says...)
Now for the photo parade:

This would be my Halloween costume. Thrown together at the last minute, I couldn't find a decent wig or silver hairspray, so a brunette, ponytailed Edie Sedgwick I was.

A better picture of my first sweater.

Sweater No. 2 (3 if you include the jacket I made for my niece) in progress. I've since finished the collar and most of the first sleeve. I love top-down raglans...
In other WIP news, the herringbone scarf has been ripped, rewound, and traded from some soft, squishy Cascade 220 Superwash in a lovely chocolate brown. It's working its way into a plain-Wayne ribbed scarf for my brother. (See, Noelle? You've started a trend!)
I've also started on some mittens using leftovers. I may just be a masochist, because I'm making it way too difficult for a simple mitten pattern...but they will be beautiful!
I'm trying to start a band, too. If anyone reading wants to join me...
I'll get around to taking more pictures soon, I promise!
Update: Here's the mitten progress so far...

I think I want to marry them.
WOW! I love that rust-colored sweater - it looks very pretty! And the blue one fits you perfectly. I can't believe you ripped out the herringbone scarf! OMG - that took guts. But I'm glad to hear you are on to some projects that feel more fun for you.
Thank you, Noelle! The yarn for that rust sweater is Knit Picks Shamrock, which is awesome. It's really spungy and springy like good wool should be, even if it is just $2.50 a ball.
The herringbone scarf just had to go. Sometimes you have to know when something's bad for you and put a stop to it. :)
Yes, sometimes you have to know when something's bad for you - giving up on a book if it still boring by pg 100, frogging a knitting project or dumping a not-so-great-anymore boyfriend. You always feel better once it's done! :-)
The first mitten is finished! I'm hoping the second one will be done...just in time for it to briefly warm back up. Whoo.
The mittens rock...I need to show you my arm warmers & see if you can help me figure out why my thumb holes are so big...I might have man hands but my thumbs aren't freakishly big!
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